Other Beings

God spoke but he was only a tiny voice. Everyone wished him quieter still. He was but one of a cacophony of beings tormenting me. They knew God but loved him not, they were without pity.

I wanted to escape the torment. However on evading or defeating one torturer another would step forward and take its place. There were auditoriums and halls and theatres and the promise of a film that would explain everything. All were occupied by entities only some of which took any interest in my life. The interest in me would peak locally whenever I thwarted one of their kind.

They were creatures of immense power that got stranger and I got stranger too. The more powerful my foe the stronger I got. I bought some relief when I announced my name is Matthew.

Although powerful, the entities lacked an equal measure of intelligence. Many times I succeeded in playing off two entities against each other so they would fight amongst themselves instead of me.

I wondered at the accumulated injuries I sustained. The pain was not great but would I be suffering forever? Cuts and bruises abounded. I saw after one encounter a hole in my hand I could see through.

My own burnt flesh in a powder daubed as a third eye on the forehead of an aggressive spirit made it in turn burn inside. It glowed in patches externally before evanescing. I knew the words to say. With that success I tried the strategy again against the next torturer saying what had happened previously trying to repeat the exact same effect. I missed the spot on its forehead. I said as much. I tried again and failed again which I also announced. The entity was holding me close without fear, secure in its own superiority, only intrigued to see if I would burn it too. It never thought it could be done, curious despite the possibility of annihilation as a cost of misjudgement. After I had added a few powder marks to its forehead we embraced.


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